Related Resources
Check out these great resources from our friends across the movement.
Resource Library
Community Resource Hub
“The Community Resource Hub for Safety & Accountability works to ensure all people have access to resources and tools to advocate for systems change and accountability in law enforcement.”
The Breathe Act
Movement for Black Lives
“This visionary bill divests our taxpayer dollars from brutal and discriminatory policing and invests in a new vision of public safety—a vision that answers the call to defund the police and allows all communities to finally BREATHE free..”
Defund Police and Rebuild Our Communities Toolkit
Dream Defenders
“There’s a shift happening right now. The call to defund police is louder than we’ve ever heard it. We can all answer that call and reshape what our communities look like. We made a toolkit to help you map what you can do in your cities.”
The Time Has Come to Defund the Police Messaging Guidance
Movement for Black Lives
“Local spokespeople need to be able to connect with audiences in their hometowns and cities; center shared values; clearly explain what it means to defund the police in the place where they live; and inspire people to imagine what alternatives to violent policing look like.”
#DefundPolice Toolkit: Concrete Steps Toward Divestment from Policing & Investment in Community Safety.
Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action & Movement for Black Lives
“Created by the Interrupting Criminalization Initiative (a member of the Movement for Black Lives), this is a toolkit designed to advance a long term vision of abolition of police through divestment from policing as a practice, dismantling policing institutions, and building community-based responses to harm, need, and conflict that do not rely on surveillance, policing and punishment.”
OUR COMMUNITIES OUR SOLUTIONS: An Organizer’s Toolkit for Developing Campaigns to Abolish Policing
Critical Resistance
“This 55 page toolkit includes CR’s definitions of policing and abolition, notes on key terms from a PIC abolitionist perspective, sample talking points on defunding policing, as well as multiple campaign tools for organizers to develop strong grassroots campaigns to resist and ultimately abolish policing.”
Research Memo: Alternatives to Policing
Community Resource Hub
“This memo assesses the current landscape of work surrounding police abolition and reviews alternatives to policing in the context of police abolitionist frameworks, offering insight and sharing successful strategies for advocates in the field. This memo also offers several recommendations for advocates, activists, and organizers working on alternatives to policing as well as a list of resources.”